Assisting People to Find the Help They Need as we Share in Christ's Love
Barry County Cares fosters a practical expression of the Love of Christ in a broken world. We do this by assisting people in need to connect with people, programs and services in the community that address their particular need.
Some of the most common needs are:

Food Pantries
Barry County Cares works with five food pantries thoughout Barry County to help people get supplemental food. We partner with the following Food Pantries:
Hastings Food Pantry is located at the Green Street United Methodist Church, 209 W Green Street, Hastings, MI. The pantry is open by appointment M-F, 11:30 to 12:30 pm.
Middleville Food Pantry is located at the Middleville United Methodist Church, 111 Church St, Middleville, MI. The pantry is open by appointment M-F.
Delton Food Pantry is located at Faith United Methodist Church, 503 S Grove St, Delton, MI. The Pantry is open by appointment T-Th, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm.
Country Chapel Food Pantry is located at the Country Chapel Church, 9275 S M-37 Hwy, Dowling, MI. The Pantry is open by appointment. Call Barry County Cares.
Thornapple Valley Church Food Pantry is located at Thornapple Valley Church, 2750 M-43 Hastings, MI. Call Barry County Cares for information.
Most food pantries offer service every 30 days.
If you would like to access one of these Food Pantries call Barry County Cares for referral at 269-948-9555.
Barry County Cares also provides information about other programs in the community such as fresh food initiatives and free community meals.

Personal Care and Household Items
Barry County Cares has an on-site Personal Care and Household Items Pantry available to qualifying residents of Barry County. Items include paper products, laundry detergent, dish soap, toothpaste, deodorant and more.
Personal Care items are available to households every 60 days.
Barry County Cares also has available diapers and some types of baby formula. Available every 30 days.
To find out if you qualify call Barry County Cares at 269-948-9555.
If you would like to donate items for the Personal Care and Household Items Pantry contact Tina at 269-948-9555 to see which items are currently needed.

Other Types of Assistance
Barry County Cares works with agencies, churches, and other organizations to help with other needs for assistance such as utility bills, work related transportation, rent/housing, clothing, and other needs.
Barry County Cares Executive Director, Tina Horrigan, meets with individuals requesting assistance. She helps determine the details and extent of the needs. She checks to see if resources are available from other agencies such as DHHS, Barry County United Way, Community Action and others. If those resources are not available she reaches out to partner churches. Often solutions are shared between the individual, a church or agency and Barry County Cares. In all cases Tina seeks a complete solution to the problem with a strategy for avoiding it in the future.
The Eligibility criteria for services are:
Proof of residency in Barry County.
Proof of gross income at or below 200% of Federal Poverty Level Guidelines.
Proof of the number of people living in the household.​
Other documentation may be required specific to the request.
Barry County Cares offers assistance:
Food pantries, every 30 days.
Personal Care products, every 60 days.
Diapers & formula, every 30 days.
Other assistance, one time per year per household.